London — Indian superstar Priyanka Chopra is missing her husband, Nick Jonas. At the start of March, the couple reunited in London after spending months apart. But then Jonas returned to the US to resume work as a judge on The Voice singing competition while Chopra remained in London to continue shooting for projects like Citadel and Text For You. It seems that being so far apart is making Chopra miss her husband greatly, reported Pinkvilla.

The Indian beauty went on social media to express her feeling. She posted a picture of the two of them together in a dreamy setting, saying the photo was taken in a “place where time stands still”. In the photo, Chopra and Jonas can be seen standing on a patch of green, the place lit up by string lights. The couple cannot take their eyes off each other. In the caption, Chopra wrote: “Miss you so much my (heart emoji).”

See also  Priyanka Chopra opens up about Nick Jonas' diabetes and how she checks on him in the middle of the night
Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas has a loving relationship. Picture: Instagram

Earlier this month, the celebrity couple attended the BAFTA 2021 film and television awards in London. Chopra presented one of the award and represented the team of The White Tiger which was nominated in two categories.

Chopra recently talked about India’s second Covid-19 wave. She urged people to stay at home amid the spike in Covid-19 cases in India. “Please stay home… I beg you to stay home. Do it for yourself, your family, friends, neighbours, community, and also our frontline workers. Every doctor and frontline worker is saying the exact same thing,” she wrote.

Born on July 18, 1982, Priyanka Chopra Jonas is an Indian actress, singer, and film producer. The winner of the Miss World 2000 pageant, Chopra is one of India’s highest-paid and most popular entertainers. She has received numerous accolades, including a National Film Award and five Filmfare Awards. In 2016, the Government of India honoured her with the Padma Shri and Time named her one of the 100 most influential people in the world, and in the next two years Forbes listed her among the World’s 100 Most Powerful Women./TISG