Prisc from PreciousAP shared with us what it takes to run a successful Live Bidding business, including some tips for growing one’s customer base.


In her video, Ms Prisc noted that there used to be four of them who ran the business, but two left, thinking that the idea of live bidding wouldn’t succeed. Now, it’s just her and her husband, Alvin, handling the business of selling home appliances and electronics online.

Thanks to technological advancements and the boom of social media, consumers today no longer have to step outside their homes to do some window shopping.

The use of platforms like Facebook Live has given individuals the opportunity to reach shoppers worldwide and in real-time.

Ms Prisc for one has had first-hand experience of the ups & downs of running FB Live business. She now generously reveals with us the 5 secret keys to a successful FB Live business.

Key #1: Do something that differentiates you

Facebook reported about 3.5 billion individuals broadcasting through Facebook Live in 2018, meaning aspiring sellers will need to tap into a saturated market through differentiation.

For Ms Prisc, it’s through their Bidder’s Roll, which they feature weekly. “We also do giveaways, including phones, tablets, gold, etc.,” she said.

“This is our way of giving back to our customers because without their support, there wouldn’t be the PreciousAP you see today.”

Key #2: Don’t give up too quickly

Ms Prisc highlighted that the biggest difficulty they faced was not having viewers. “When we first started, we only had two or three viewers,” she said. “To our current result, that is something priceless to me. This is what we achieved based on our own hard work,” she added.

Key #3: Gain customer trust

More than the money, Ms Prisc said they earned their customers’ trust, which is more important.

“To PreciousAP, they are more than just customers; they are a part of our big family. Indeed, this can be tiring sometimes, but what makes me happy is that we have these customers.”

“Our customers have been telling us that what we did well is that we do not pressure them to make payments and (give) immediate refunds on damaged items,” she said.

Key #4: Prepare for complaints and difficulties

Ms Prisc admitted that the whole process could be tiring, with many difficulties such as complaints popping up along the way.

“That is something we don’t show on-screen, but we encounter on the backend,” she explained.

Instead of giving up, they use their customer support as motivation to keep going. “There are always these customers pushing me to continue, motivating me in every step,” she said.

Key #5: Remember that Live Bidding is all about interaction

Ms Prisc said that she would be happy even if she was just chatting on FB Live and not selling anything because she enjoys the interaction with her viewers.

“To me, live bidding is all about interacting with my customers. These customers are the reason why I keep doing live.”

She also explained that their sincerity and her “craziness” on camera made her appeal to her viewers.

Ms Prisc would joke with her customers, thus increasing engagement.

Bonus Key #6: No Ghost Bidders

Much like some Instagram accounts that buy their followers, or Amazon sellers who buy their reviews, there is such a thing as ghost bidders in FB Live where hired individuals pretend to bid to increase sales.

Ms Prisc, however, said there’s no point in doing such things and prefers a more honest approach.

Now that you have all the secret keys and precious tips from PreciousAP, we wish you success and all the best in your next FB Live business!

You can also follow PreciousAP page here. /TISG

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