Prata Wala @ Nex has acknowledged and sincerely apologised for its past failings, which resulted in it being given 12 demerit points and 2-week suspension by the National Environment Agency (NEA).
NEA inspected the food outlet and found it to be infested with cockroaches. This in turn led to its temporary shut-down. Prata Wala @ Nex has clarified that the inpections happened in Oct 2015 and Mar 2016, and that since Nov 2015, it had taken increasingly vigorous corrective action to control the infestation at its Nex outlet.
The corrective actions include:
• Renewal of our Senior Operations management team.
• Replacement of the errant manager in charge of the outlet.
• Replacement of the stewarding and cleaning service contractor.
• Replacement of our pest control contractor.
• Frequency increase of pest control service from once to 4 to 6 times a month.
• Review and improvement of housekeeping and hygiene practices.
• Staff retraining regarding housekeeping and hygiene practices.
The food outlet said that its corrective actions have resulted in complete eradication of the cockroach infestation. Prata Wala further clarified that the most recent inspections done in Apr and May 2016 by NEA found no sign of cockroach infestation.
“We accept the penalties for our failures and fully support NEA’s actions to improve the food hygiene standards of Singapore,” said a spokesperson of the agency.
“Prata Wala is a young home-grown chain of Indian restaurants striving to be a world-class brand for the international market,” he added.
The food-joint said that it is grateful to its customers’ support, and has resolved to move past this setback to continue to serve its customers with better food quality and service standards.