A netizen took to social media to share the exchange he had with a friend who is a “die hard PAP supporter and also a Seng Kang resident”.

In a Facebook post on Friday (Sep 25), one Mr Moo wrote that over dinner with his friend, he asked, “Bro, how does it feel to be living in a WP run area?”

The man added that he was shocked with his friend’s reply: “You can’t deny it. Since Jamus and gang took over, everything in the estate is well managed. The roads and area is cleaner”.

A member of the Workers’ Party (WP), Jamus Lim was elected into the Parliament of Singapore as a representative of the Sengkang Group Representation Constituency (GRC) for Anchorvale following the 2020 general election.

The WP’s He Ting Ru, Jamus Lim, Raeesah Khan and Louis Chua bested the PAP’s Ng Chee Meng, Lam Pin Min, Amrin Amin and Raymond Lye Hoong Yip.

The netizen also revealed “some rumours he heard from his fellow PAP fans, some of whom are in the PAP member clubs”.

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Referring to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong as ‘LHL’, he added: “Apparently, LHL was jumping mad after watching Jamus on the televised debate.

“He berated the talent- scouts of PAP on why they didnt manage to spot Jamus earlier on and get him to join PAP. How could they have allowed him to slip by their fingers and join WP instead?”

Although Jamus Lim has only been serving his ward for the past two and a half months, the first-term MP has only conducted three physical MPS sessions given the COVID-19 restrictions. /TISG