Many Singaporeans took Chief of People’s Voice Party Lim Tean to task for his remark that Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s letter against The Online Citizen was a personal matter.

He said it was inappropriate for the PM’s Press Secretary to issue the letter.

Several pages and groups on social media, including one called ‘Shut down TRS’ wrote, “Lim Tean, a lawyer, questions why PM Lee used his press sec to issue a Letter of Demand to TOC when it is a personal matter”.

“How can it be a personal matter when allegations are made towards PM Lee as the Prime Minister of Singapore who ‘abused his power’ but not on PM Lee’s personal capacity.

“You accuse the Prime Minister, you get press sec to issue a letter of demand, not via a lawyer.

“Clearly, this Lim Tean is a half pass six-lawyer [sic] who can’t even differentiate what is ‘personal’ capacity or what is ‘professional’ capacity.”

Lim Tean made his comments in a social media post on September 3, asking, “Why Is The PM’s Press Secretary Issuing A Letter Of Demand In A Personal Matter!????”

We agree with Teo Soh Lung that this matter must be settled once and for all in a Court of Law! Parliament is not a Court!”

See also  Lim Tean calls out Singapore's ambassador to China for wearing a mask

He also shared an article titled,’’PM LEE’S THREAT TO SUE TERRY XU’’, by Teo Soh Lung, a former Internal Security Act (ISA) detainee.

Read related: Lim Tean accuses “state media” of fake news, and PM Lee of “uncalled for remarks about Vietnam’s “invasion” of Cambodia”

Netizens gave Lim Tean much grief for his comments. 

Last December, Lim Tean, appealed in court against a writ of summons over a loan of US$150,000 (S$205,720), that he had allegedly not paid.

A Chinese national, Huang Min supposedly agreed to lend Mr Lim US$150,000 in September 2013. He also alleged that Mr Lim agreed to repay the amount by November 30 that year.

According to court documents, Mr Huang transferred the money to Mr Lim but Mr Lim did not repay the money by the agreed date.

In August 2018, State Courts Deputy Registrar Regina Lim Siew Mei ruled that Mr Lim, who is a lawyer, has to repay Mr Huang. /TISG

Read related: Chief of People’s Voice party Lim Tean disputes allegedly unpaid loan of US$150,000

Also read: Lim Tean: You must realise by now that the “Merdeka” Package is a total sham