Malaysia ex-PM Najib Razak shows his other skills. Besides being a political animal, Najib showed he was a Karaoke singer.
He seemed to be loving it when tuning in to Sir Cliff Richard’s classic, the Young Ones.
The crowd cheered when Najib danced to the tune.
But netizens took the opportunity to highlight the easy life Najib is having despite losing the elections.
The post said: “Ingatkan bila dah tertungging, adalah tanda2 keinsafan… rupanya sama je perangai ..
Bawak2lah baca Quran DS… mana tau Allah permudahkan…”
A direct translation would be as follows: “Thought he lost, there should be a sign of repentance from him. But the attitude remains the same.
Go recite the Islamic religious book the Quran, maybe Allah will make it easier.”
Some Facebook users said ‘give him to enjoy first’, alluding to the expected jail term Najib is supposed to be handed to by the Malaysian courts soon.
Another one said: Let him be happy now, he is yet to be arrested.
One Facebook user even rewrote a line of the song to: TOMORROW I’LL BE IN JAIL….FOR A LONG TIME.
The Malaysian government is pushing forward with a case against Najib in the 1MDB scandal.
Sources said the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency has already identified the right course of action against Najib in the case.
The Malaysians are anxiously and impatiently waiting for the news of Najib’s arrest.