It was an ill-bred act that disgusted many. In Hubei province, a mother allowed her son to urinate inside a bus and when the driver told her off for the rude act, she attacked him instead.

The incident happened in front of other passengers.

CCTV footage revealed that the woman helped her child urinate in a container on the floor of the bus. The next sequence had her heading towards the driver where after some bickering, she hit the compartment door and took hold of the man’s jacket.

This all happened while the driver was at the wheel.

According to the police, the woman, who was known only as Chen, said that her son needed to go to the toilet.

Since there was no toilet inside the bus, she allowed the boy to relieve himself in a container.

The mother got mad after the driver called her ill-mannered. The security camera also showed the driver pulling off the road in order to call the police.

The incident was the latest in a string of occurrences that have put bus drivers in China in the limelight. In October last year, an accident led to the death of 15 passengers after a vehicle plunged into the Yangtze River.

The accident was caused by a commuter who apparently missed her stop and attacked the driver who lost control of the bus.

Mixed reactions also surfaced on social media. Although many users expressed sympathy for the mother’s action, a lot of people were enraged.

Some pointed out that the woman should have brought a diaper for the child. Others suggested that they should have disembarked at the next bus stop.

Cases of Chinese parents venting their ire on other people for being called up for letting their kids urinate in public have become quite common. In February this year, there was an uproar when a tourist’s son urinated on the floor of the Forbidden Kingdom in Beijing.