A motorcyclist was conveyed to Changi General Hospital last Friday after being hit by a car at the basement car park in what appears to be Terminal 3 at Changi Airport.

Facebook user Ivy Long uploaded a video and photos of the incident on the social networking site which shows the motorcyclist being flung off his bike following the crash. The photos Ivy posted show the man post-collision, bleeding on the ground.

[fvplayer src=”http://media.media.theindependent.sg/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/20821906_110766532957943_3205779021551894528_n.mp4″ width=”400″ height=”226″]

The Singapore Civil Defence Force arrived at the scene shortly after. Police investigations are ongoing.

Netizens responding to Ivy’s uploads debated over whether the motorcyclist or the car driver were to blame for the accident:

The news has been rife with motorcycle collisions lately. In just the past month alone, three major motorcycle crashes dominated headlines:





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