SINGAPORE: A mother of an adult son took to social media asking if she should kick him out because he tries to micromanage her life.

In an anonymous post to a popular confessions Facebook page, the woman wrote that her son was over 40 years old and had a good job in a large corporation. She said that he was unmarried and despite drawing a good salary, refused to move out.

“We are living in a 5 room flat, which I feel is too big for just the 2 of us. I have planned to down size to a 3 Br or 4 br directly from HDB to be practical, and capitalise on the capital gain. The problem is he is against this”, the woman wrote. She added that she felt her son was trying to micromanage her life for over a year and she wanted to put a stop to things.

“Should I feel bad for forcing him out if he is not agreeable to my plan a[n]d desire..?” she asked.

Most netizens who commented on the post told her to do as she wished since it was her house. They suggested giving him a date to move out by as a courtesy.

Here’s what they wrote:

Earlier this year, another 40-year-old man took to social media to rant about his abusive mother who left the family when he was a child, only to come back to extort money from his father.

In his lengthy post, the man blamed his mother for his father’s untimely death. He wrote that he was an only child and his parents had him in their early 40s. His mother was always verbally and physically abusive and she left to go overseas when he was a child, only to come back when he was in his 20s. While his mother was overseas for more than 10 years, the man wrote that his mother never offered any financial support to him or his father. Instead, she would demand a lot of money from his father, only to spend it on her boyfriends.

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The man wrote that he had to start working full-time when he was 21 years old and thus did not get to graduate. In his mid-20s, he even had to go overseas to support his parents as his father retired and finances were tight. The man wrote that his father passed away about 10 years ago because of his mother’s actions.

At present, the man said that his mother played the role of the victim telling everyone they know that he “abandoned her and never spoke or visit or send support especially since my Dad passing which is untrue. Relatives/Friends/Acquaintances would always confront me and scold me on how I “abandoned” my mother.

I would show evidences such as bank remittances, pictures, call logs and etc. which will make people quiet down their anger but never apologize to me on how they treated me based on my mother’s false narratives. It’s tiring on my part to explain and defend myself against my own mother’s lies”.

40-year-old son says his abusive mother left when he was a child, has now returned to extort money from him