Anti-vaxxer Iris Koh goes on rant against ‘fake media’ after getting slapped with 2 new charges

Iris Koh, who has made a name for herself for standing up against the Covid-19 vaccines that have saved countless lives around the world, was recently announced to have two additional charges for allegedly making false representations to the Ministry of Health (MOH).
For the new charges, she is said to have worked with Jipson Quah, 34, a general practitioner, to falsely claim that Gary Tho Kong Choong had gotten a Sinopharm vaccine when he had not so that Tho could get a vaccine certificate.
Singapore man runs 190 kilometres around the country to show Singaporeans can achieve that too!

Anyone who thinks that long-distance running around Singapore is too difficult, if not impossible, needs to meet Mr Ryo, who managed to log an impressive 190 kilometres all over the country.
And it’s one thing to cover many kilometres on your bike, or for a team or even a duo to run around Singapore together, but Mr Ryo did it completely alone on foot and has the receipts to show it.
Grab driver ‘usually’ clicks ‘arrived’ before reaching pickup point, 3rd encounter forces passenger to boycott service

After experiencing his Grab driver clicking “arrived” despite not reaching the pickup point, a passenger decided to boycott the service altogether.
“Look at this picture. I booked a Grab while standing at the waiting stop. Driver has already clicked ARRIVE when he was still at the side of the road,” said Facebook page Complaint Singapore member Daniel Tan on Tuesday (July 26).
OPINION | The Right Type of Darkie — The Perfectly Electable Prime Minister

The race to replace Mr Boris Johnson as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom has been narrowed down to two and in September, the UK will either have its third woman or its first “non-white” Prime Minister.”
What makes this fact so intriguing is the fact that both Mr Sunak and Ms Truss are members of the “Conservative” party, which has, for most of its history, been about the supremacy of the white male in the UK.
OPINION | When will Singapore’s leadership selection be as diverse as UK?

On Sept 5, it will be announced that the next British prime minister will be an Indian Hindu man or a white woman. On July 20, Rishi Sunak, a Brit of Indian Origin, and Liz Truss emerged as the final two competitors for the premiership, out of an initial pool of 11 contenders.
Around 160,000 members of the Conservative Party will choose between Sunak and Truss, and the results of the vote will be announced on September 5. Whoever wins, diversity has already won in British politics.