SINGAPORE: Earlier this month, a man posted on TikTok that $1,200 was taken from his parents, allegedly by the technicians who serviced their air-conditioning unit.

“Can someone please advise me on what to do?” wrote a local TikTok user who goes by @airconscammer on the platform. His post has since been viewed over 271,000 times.

First, he posted a photo of a $3,000 money bouquet they’d been gifted and had been dismantling on the day the technicians came to their home.

His parents kept the money in a drawer right under the aircon unit.

He also wrote that his parents had inadvertently torn three of the bills as they dismantled the bouquet.

This is significant because less than an hour after the technicians left, his mum counted the money again.

“$1.2k is missing and the torn bank notes are gone,” he added.

They immediately called the owner of the company where the technicians work but the man “denied all allegations without investigating.” He also told them that the matter will not be investigated and that the company would return the money to them from their “remaining servicing sessions.”

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He also alleged that the owner hadn’t answered the texts they sent him nor returned the remainder of the servicing fee they’d paid.

“We’ve made a report but what else could we do? My elderly parents are so upset over the loss of the huge sum of money and nobody else could have taken it as there was nobody at home and they literally just placed cash they’ve counted into the drawer before the servicing,” he wrote, posting a screenshot of the WhatsApp messages they sent to the company.

He also wondered if there is any other way he can get the money back.

The TikToker said in a comment that police have interviewed the technicians.


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