SINGAPORE: A man took to social media to share that he’s rethinking his entire relationship with his vegetarian girlfriend. “I did not know it was this much of a hassle to plan meals together,” the man wrote on the NUSWhispers Facebook page.

“I feel that this hassle of not being able to just eat anywhere is quite obstructive to my daily routines and all. I am considering giving up.”

The man shared that while he had no trouble eating at hawker centres or school cafeterias, he found it quite challenging to find restaurants that offered a wide variety of vegetarian options.

He then recalled a frustrating experience in JB, where they had difficulty finding a restaurant after a late-night KTV session.

“The nearby restaurants had few vegetarian options, for eg. plain udon/ramen. She did not want to eat. I was really annoyed as it was late and I was hungry already and to check for places with vegetarian options, I had to go to Google map and see where got vegetarian options, scan thru every menu.”

Looking ahead, he thought about the implications if they were to get married, realizing that dealing with this food dilemma could become a daily occurrence multiple times a day.

“I want advice from anyone with vegetarian partners if this is worth it in the long run. Overall she is an amazing human being but this issue is an everyday thing and I’m finding it tough to handle.”

“She is an extreme vegan. Give her up quickly and amicably.”

The man received a variety of responses from the netizens. Some advised him to end the relationship, warning that it would only become more challenging in the future.

See also  SIA passenger advised to "pre-order instead of complain" about lack of vegetarian options

One netizen said, “Would consider you to give up. I have friends who divorce because the partner can’t stand eating vegetarian with them and finding here and there for vegetarian in the long run.

This will be the main problem of your argument in the future.”

Another commented, “She is an extreme vegan. Give her up quickly and amicably. To carry on means a trying life for you. There are lots of girls out there who will eat what you eat, do what you do and will enjoy the world with you together as one.”

On the flip side, some netizens encouraged him to stick with the relationship, believing it would be worth it in the end. They highlighted that all relationships require compromise and effort to succeed. 

One netizen expressed, “Love is built on a lot of inconveniences with 2 individuals coming together as one couple.

If everything is smooth and have no hassles, then there will be other challenges that will suffice, with one giving in too much causing resentment and another taking too much causing demands.”

Meanwhile, others offered practical tips to make the relationship work, like learning to cook vegetarian meals or letting his girlfriend choose where to eat.

One Redditor added, “Just order as usual and say no meat!”

Another proposed a meal-planning strategy, writing, “Plan A: Out of 1 week. 3 days the girl plans for meals, 3 days the guy plans. The last day is free and easy.” 

Read also: My girlfriend gets easily irritated and extremely argumentative; what should I do?

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