Singapore — A man confided on the NUSWhispers Facebook page on Thursday (Dec 2) that he wonders if his girlfriend is being unreasonable to expect him to pay for plane tickets for their holiday trips, although they both earn about the same.

His former girlfriends, he explained, had always sprung for their own air tickets. He added, “when it comes to hotels and dining, I will gladly cover it,” as if to show that he’s not a cheapskate.

If they were married, he said, the situation would be different. But theirs is a “somewhat new relationship”, he added.

“If married i got no prob paying,” he wrote, but added that, “This gal however expected me to pay her full travel expense.”

Paying for her travel expenses will not make him poor, he said, but neither is he so “rich that i like throw money out of the window and don’t bat an eyelid”.

The issue, he said, is not whether he ‘treasures’ her, and he doesn’t want to necessarily have the whole dumb ‘fair payment scheme’.

“But I don’t get the whole self-entitlement when she makes just as much as i do.”

Netizens tended to agree that she should do her part when it comes to payments.

“Either go Dutch or get out of your life,” wrote a commenter.

Meals ok but air tix and hotel, better to go dutch,” wrote another.

Another urged him not to be someone’s ATM.

Another asked him to check her reaction when he tells her to pay for her airfare.

A commenter urged him to “not give in and encourage such toxic, self-entitled behaviors.”

Another netizen called her entitlement “a red flag.”

Perhaps the best advice came from the commenter who advised, “Dutch before marriage and dutch after marriage. Treats during special occasions”.


Read also: Money-minded woman says her husband was earning S$4,000 a year at one point, but adds she still loves him nonetheless

Money-minded woman says her husband was earning S$4,000 a year at one point, but adds she still loves him nonetheless