Singapore — A netizen took to social media to share a video of a man dragging and mistreating a dog.
The video, which was posted on the Sgfollowsall Instagram page on Sept 25, has been viewed nearly 78,000 times as of this writing.
In it, a man can be seen with his dog, reportedly on the top deck of a multistory car park in Sengkang, according to
The man holds the dog’s leash in one hand, and something, perhaps his mobile phone, in the other.
For the first few seconds, the man is crouched on the ground in front of the dog, who is seated.
The man then gets up, and when the dog comes near his other hand, the man tugs sharply at the leash, which causes the dog to shriek and bark.
Shockingly, the man proceeds to kick the dog, and then he raises his hand holding the leash high, hanging the dog.
After a while, the man starts walking away, dragging the dog, who yelps loudly and shrilly.
At one point, the man walks quickly while pulling the dog by its leash, dragged on its back.
The person who sent the video to Sgfollowsall, who could no longer stand seeing the dog mistreated, and shouted at the man, wrote the following:
“I saw this from my window. Heard yelping and barking outside. First time I heard it the dog was in a sit position and the guy was holding the leash short and taut, so the dog was straining upwards to breathe.
Then he dragged the dog while it was struggling and biting the leash (who wouldn’t want to get away from him) underneath the block.
I later heard yelping again and immediately took a video this time to get evidence so I can report it.
After I stopped the video I yelled at him to stop abusing his dog but don’t know if he heard me because I was several floors up.
Obviously that’s not a long term solution, but frankly speaking I don’t know if I report it whether the authorities will even do anything or whether they’ll take a long time to if they do.
So I’m asking people to share it and hopefully get the authorities to act on it. Authorities usually react faster when things are blasted on social media so I’m hoping they’ll remove the dog from the situation and take the necessary action against that guy.”
In an update, Sgfollowsall added a comment from the person who took the video, who said they had filed a report with SPCA and AVS. SPCA told them it will push AVS to investigate the matter quickly. /TISG
Read also: Rivervale Crest: Man kicks and drags yelping dog across floor
Rivervale Crest: Man kicks and drags yelping dog across floor