As Singapore tightens its safety measures in an effort to combat Covid-19, some Singaporeans are also doing the same with their personal measures to keep safe from the virus. An example would be a man in a grocery store who attached a sign post to himself asking people to maintain a significant distance away from him. The individual’s photo has been widely circulated on various social media platforms, and has been acclaimed by netizens.

A netizen recently shared the man’s photo on Reddit, where it caught the attention of other Redditors. In the photo, the man was seen to be in a grocery store, holding a shopping basket. Not only was he taking the precautionary measure of wearing a mask, but he also attached a sign to his body. The signage, held to his sling bag using a clip, was self-explanatory.

“Please observe and apply 1 meter distance away from me,” it read. Also making room for some politeness, at the bottom of the sign was a cordial “Thank you for your cooperation.”

Good idea?
by insingapore

A number of Redditors loved the idea, as one even shared that doing so was completely called-for, given that some people in public places still do not observe distancing measures. “Yes. I’ve been to the supermarket enough times during this period to experience highly oblivious, ignorant, blasé people coming way too close to me,” wrote Redditor @misskuehbolu.

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Photo: screengrab from Reddit / r/singapore / u/banraiderio
Photo: screengrab from Reddit / r/singapore / u/banraiderio

The way another Reddit user saw it, the man in the photo was “protecting himself” from violators of the safe distancing measure–“potentially causing both of them to be fined $300. Smart move. If it works, it works.”

Photo: screengrab from Reddit / r/singapore / u/banraiderio

Another Redditor, @eatsleepmug, loved the idea so much, that the netizen urged for the sign to be made into a T-shirt.

Photo: screengrab from Reddit / r/singapore / u/banraiderio