SINGAPORE: A man complained on social media that “something is wrong somewhere” when a tray return system has separate compartments for halal and non-halal trays and cutlery but cleaners dump them in the same container.

“What is the whole point of segregating the return tray if at collection point, the cleaner just dump everything into 1 tub? Also as stated clearly, the return point is for halal but plates returned were mixed. The good old days, cleaning aunties and uncle will push 1 trolley and have 2 tub to segregate,” wrote a Facebook user who goes by the name Ed Hamz on the COMPLAINT SINGAPORE page on Sunday (May 21).

Mr Ed Hamz wrote: “Patrons want convenience so they will return to station closer to them. Already force them to return tray still need to walk so far?”

He noted that it’s likely that cleaners have not been educated about the clearing process for halal and non-halal food and that management may have installed separate stations in keeping with the law but “does not have a proper system and training for staff”.

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Mr Ed Hamz, to whom The Independent Singapore has reached out for comment, ended his post by calling the self-return system “severely flawed” and requiring more tweaking.

Two days before Mr Ed Hamz’s post, another netizen, Mr Nasir Udin, also posted a photo of a self-return tray station that appeared to have mixed halal and non-halal items.

 “We should return the tray accordingly and respect religious matter. Halal and Non-Halal mixed,” he wrote.



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