SINGAPORE: A foreign domestic helper took to social media complaining about her employer and workload because she did not seem to have the same free time as other maids.

In an anonymous post to a support group on social media for domestic helpers and employers alike, the maid wrote that in her previous household, she was able to finish a two-year contract without any complaints about her work. “But this time I’m tired and I’m not able to manage my time..I can barely finished my work.. Woke up 5.30.sleep sometimes 11….day time no take nap. Take care 21 month Prepared lunch box. breakfast + dinner Meanwhile take care boy also”, she added.

The helper wrote that her employers would also ask her to bring them things like water to drink even if she was cooking. They would also ask her to change the child’s diaper. She added that she only worked for them for two months and said: “I know I’m helper and it’s my duty to that..but sometimes if my boss just help me to do maybe I have more time to focus on wat I am doing”.

She wrote that while she was initially confused and even entertained the possibility of being lazy, she said that she had “no time to play my phone also like how other helper active..I don’t call or talk to friend or family at day time”.

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She said that her employer would ask her for everything without even helping a bit. The helper asked others in the group if it would be better for her to ask for a transfer. Even though she had been working for her employers for about two months, she said that they did not fully trust her and still were worried about their baby’s care.

Here’s what netizens who commented on the post said:

Earlier this year, a stay-at-home mother to three girls took to social media asking for opinions on her maid.

She said that her maid holds her own handphone and has no restrictions on phone usage. Her three children are aged five, three and two. “I am hands on with kids and only need help from helper sometimes with washing them/changing. My helper holds her own hp & no restriction / i dont keep her hp and she gets wifi all day round. When i leave her home with the girls, shes very happy ( coz get hp usage nonstop) when im at home, she put in black face even though less hands on kids”, the woman wrote.

She asked if all other maids liked being at home without their employers and caring for their children.

Employer says her maid is very happy to stay home with the kids and unlimited phone usage; she starts sulking when adults come back