SINGAPORE: A foreign domestic helper working in Singapore for 17 years took to social media to share her heartbreaking story and struggle as a migrant worker.
She shared that she came from a broken family with no support. She had many challenges from both her employer and her family back home. She added that her first employer made her work 19 hours daily without proper rest and food. While she managed to finish her contract with them, she did not even have a phone to contact her family. The maid also wrote that in the six years she worked, she did not have a day off. “I just focus [on] my job sometime (sic) was stressful think about family back home. We miss them but we need to give them better future. With employers always ensulting (sic) me that I m stupid ,stubborn ,poor and uneducated”, the helper wrote.
She continued: “So in 2011 . I started exploring organisers to learn and develop myself when my off day. At the first 7 years working here I don’t have saving for my kids or myself , my exhusband sold out my house that i bought with my saving and run a way with other woman so I left with nothing and I need to support the kids and my mother. I was leaning how to manage financial and future plan. So within 10 years I work hard to build my future and my retirement”.
The helper shared that in 2011, she started looking for ways to learn and develop herself on her days off. The first 7 years she worked in Singapore, she said she had no savings for herself or her children. Her ex-husband sold her house and ran away with the money and another woman.