In yet another jab in the flanks of Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, Tun Mahathir Mohamad former PM said: “In fact Malaysians abroad often hide their Malaysian identity for fear of being told about the corruption and the allegations of wrongdoings by their Prime Minister.”

In a recent posting on his blog, Mahathir suggested that with what he sees as ‘wrong doings’ under Najib, Malaysia has lost its respect.

The elderly statesman who has since then joined the opposition in cohort against Najib, said in this world of easy communications and the Internet, what Malaysians know will also be known to the rest of the world.

Hence the question asked of Malaysians when abroad. Where before there was admiration for Malaysia’s achievement, now foreigners ask Malaysians, “What is happening to your country?” Clearly they know that things are going wrong in Malaysia.

He lambasted the PM saying the world is aware of the sackings of auditors by 1MDB and that there has been no auditing of 1MDB over the last two years.

See also  Malaysia's Najib engaged in 'well-planned' plot to plunder 1MDB

“These facts are known to the world. Malaysians will know more. They know that the Malaysian Government is highly indebted, is in deficit, is unable to meet budget allocations. They know of the high level of corruption in the Government,” wrote Mahathir.

He also wrote that Malaysians are having a wild time laughing at the orchestrated shows of support for the Prime Minister.

“And they know of the huge sums of money received by Barisan Nasional (BN) members of Parliament to ensure their loyalty.

“They know of the depreciation of the Ringgit, the high cost of living and the fall in their living standards,” he wrote.

Controlled Media

Mahathir also attacked the media, mostly the print media which is under tight control of the regime.

“The controlled media may make glowing reports about Malaysia’s economy but the world knows that Malaysians are suffering in terms of the economy, are living in fear of harassment by Government agencies, of high levels of unemployment.”

See also  Umno out to erase Mahathir but Malay voter response is cute!


But Najib seems to demand that the world respect Malaysia. What is there for the world to respect about Malaysia.

“Can they respect Malaysia because BN has the means to realise its promises to Malaysians?

“So far the BN record is the worst registered in terms of economic achievements, democracy and the rule of law, freedom of the media and free speech, open debates and quality of life.

“And the history of wrong doings by Najib as listed above cannot be unknown to the world,” he wrote.

He urged the Malaysian PM Najib To stop making ridiculous demands that the world should respect Malaysia.

“But if this is what he wants, then allow the courts to hear charges of wrongdoings by him and lift the ban on the reports by Bank Negara, MACC and the Auditor General.

“Better still, he should resign and let Malaysia be democratic again.

“A kleptocracy, a Malaysia ruled by crooks and criminal as alleged by numerous foreigners and their institutions will never gain the respect of the world,” he remarked.
