The issue of Housing Development Board (HDB) flats and their eventual depreciation is one that the Government has faced much grief over. Lim Tean, founder of party People’s Voice, took to Facebook earlier today to discuss the issue and express that the people of Singapore should vent their frustrations over the depreciation of their flats at some of Singapore’s founding fathers, “Lee Kuan Yew , Goh Chok Tong , Lee Hsien Loong and Mah Bow Tan of course!”[0]=68.ARBFzDPYS9nIAe_PvS2RqvtRPnJ8tTzs1zPLnKHfncgZKpw0as4M0Y2mr-RcoJeI0PROAAlLcmrQ6nd7MagSd5e3VF_fCAaVLxgkIDgeFP3q0ALPbAna9SJzi4lAvZR8ghnSHXMlJxNc1qCXz7nQG4pwGXHO2k02cSsaxeLQxdw-Nr3PYsarR8_dxhEna6AMx3kU5xcpuegXbZ8blpWl9iK0E1Y&__tn__=-R
In a post that seemed to express some of his frustrations, Lim Tean said that because of the housing issue, “Singaporeans’ CPF Savings Burn”. He also added “I have been saying for months now that my Property Agent friends have been telling me that HDB flats above 30 years old are finding few buyers and that those above 40 are shunned”.
Lim also went on to say that the present Government did not have a solution of its own to remedy the issue at hand.
“No , it does not except to kick the can down the road with ridiculous proposals such as VERS which they say will happen in 20 years time! In 20 years time, many hundreds of thousands of HDB flats would be racing towards the expiry of their leases and zero value!”, he said.
He also went on to conclude his post saying that, “the problem compounds and Singaporeans’ Savings burn away with the decaying HDB leases”.
While those who commented on his post agreed with the issue, Lim did not offer any solutions of his own to contribute.