Hundreds of online users stopped to pay tribute to Singapore’s founding father, Lee Kuan Yew, on his birthday anniversary.

Though to many people around the world, Wednesday (September 16) is an ordinary hump day–or at least, as close to ordinary as one can get in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic, for Singaporeans, today is monumental.

97 years ago today, Lee Kuan Yew, the nation’s founding father, was born. Under Mr Lee’s watch, Singapore underwent a drastic transformation from a third world outcast to a first world country. Despite its limited space, Singapore has become an economic heavyweight and international hub, contending with the rest of the world’s most developed nations.

Known for his iron leadership and thought-provoking insights, Mr Lee’s timeless words have continued to shape Singapore even long after he had passed on.

Even as the nation, along with the rest of the world, rallied to face an unprecedented threat during the first few months of the Covid-19 pandemic, some of Mr Lee’s quotes served as inspiration and motivation for Singaporeans.

“Never be deflated by setbacks” was one. As Singapore was faced with the challenge of having the most number of Covid-19 cases in Southeast Asia at one point of the pandemic, many took Mr Lee’s words as a boost for Singapore’s collective morale.

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Even in the times when Singapore’s political arena seemed to be a bit rattled by the Covid-19 pandemic, Mr Lee’s words on what it takes of government leaders to lead a nation like Singapore resurfaced. “Whoever governs Singapore must have that iron in him. Or give it up. This is not a game of cards,” Mr Lee had said once.

Countless Singaporeans have not forgotten the great leadership of Mr Lee. Today, on his 97th birthday anniversary, many took time to honour him and remember the sacrifices he made for the nation as well as the immense love he had for Singaporeans.

While some reminisced on how Singapore fared while Mr Lee spearheaded the country, others paid their deepest respects. Many acknowledged the work that he did to make Singapore a strong contender in the world’s arena.

Clearly, the nation’s deep reverence for Mr Lee is far from faded.

Photo: screengrab from Facebook comments / Singapore Matters
Photo: screengrab from Facebook comments / Singapore Matters
Photo: screengrab from Facebook comments / Singapore Matters
Photo: screengrab from Facebook comments / Singapore Matters
Photo: screengrab from Facebook comments / Singapore Matters
Photo: screengrab from Facebook comments / Singapore Matters
Photo: screengrab from Facebook comments / Singapore Matters
Photo: screengrab from Facebook comments / Singapore Matters
Photo: screengrab from Facebook comments / Singapore Matters
Photo: screengrab from Facebook comments / Singapore Matters