The Singapore Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) reported a case of a kitten restrained on a leash, at the back of a house, for several days.
The informant who tipped off SPCA about the abuse said the he observed that the kitten was tied up and that there was insufficient shelter from the sun and the rain.
catrestrained2“When questioned, the owner of the kitten admitted to restraining her to prevent the furniture from being scratched, to keep the kitten away from the children as well as preventing her from escaping,” SPCA said on its Facebook.
The owner of the kitten further revealed that the kitten was given as a gift, about a month ago and that the kitten was adopted from SPCA by a different person and then given to the family.
According to SPCA’s adoption rules, an adopter has to get prior approval from SPCA before transferring ownership of the animal to another.
catrestrained3The kitten was brought back to SPCA because of this breach of rules, and is being cared for at the shelter.
“It is unfair to give an animal to anyone unless you are absolutely certain that the person wants that particular animal as a companion and is willing and able to provide a lifetime of proper care,” said the animal welfare agency.
It promised to put the abused kitten up for adoption in due course.

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