When the wife of Makansutra founder Kf Seetoh injured her ankle in an accident and received excellent—as well as speedy—service at Changi General Hospital, Mr Seetoh did not just thank the staff, but he also praised Singapore’s medical service as “world class”.

He wrote in a Facebook post on Tuesday (June 14) that after his wife twisted her ankle in a fall while jogging, she received treatment at once, and they were discharged from the hospital’s Accident and Emergency Department in under four hours.

“Triage check, x-ray, doctor consult, ( a mild fracture) got it wrapped and got appt for casting and specialist follow up another day..paid up and was out, all under 4 hours. Mind you the A&E dept was packed . I know some take a little longer as case may be more complex,” the Makansutra founder wrote.

They paid $132 for emergency services, and a little bit more for medicines, “and we were outta there” he added, noting that for patients who have difficulty paying, financial assistance is arranged by the hospital.

“If this is not world class public medical service, I dunno what is. 

See also  KF Seetoh criticizes panel meant to decide whether bicycles must have brakes after fatal bike incident

Have you ever tried the medical services in some lagi developed nations, where even a $3k monthly insurance payments can’t guarantee you much,” he added.

Mr Seetoh went on to thank “the often underappreciated staff, both foreign and local, for their unbending dedication to this very important work.” 

He also asked people to Be patient with them. I sense they are short-staffed and I pray something will be done to address this issue.”

And in a comment to the post, Mr Seetoh went even further. 

He wrote, “This is the other element that roots me to Singapore,” aside from hawker food.

Many netizens agreed with Mr Seetoh’s assessment of Singapore’s public medical service, as well as sent wishes for a speedy recovery to Ms Lim, including lawyer and diplomat Tommy Koh. Mr Seetoh’s wife, Patricia Anne Lim, is the co-director of Makansutra.

One commenter even shared her own story of superb care and service.


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