Singapore — When it’s been two years since being physically present with family, even the smell of the airport is enough to get someone excited.

Such was the case for a Malaysian nurse based in Singapore who is finally reunited with her loved ones.

Ms Tracy Jantom, who goes by the handle “trcyjntm” shared on the short video creation app TikTok, her recent reunion with her family, an experience that was awash in happy tears.

Ms Jantom says she is a Malaysian working in Singapore as a nurse and had been in Singapore and apart from her family for nearly two years.

Photo: TikTok screengrab/trcyjntm

But finally, on Nov 1, she got to fly back home to be with her family. “I’m super excited!” she wrote in a caption.

Photo: TikTok screengrab/trcyjntm

“Initially wanted to take a video of me eating the muffin that they gave me, but I ended up getting emotional,” she said, remembering how alone she felt struggling on as a frontliner over the past two years.

Photo: TikTok screengrab/trcyjntm

“Handling the pandemic as a frontliner was not easy,” she admitted.

Photo: TikTok screengrab/

Still, she was excited to be finally going back to Malaysia.

She attached a clip of the pilot announcing through the intercom, “…and to all Malaysians, welcome home,” which also tugged on netizens’ heartstrings.

Even though she couldn’t go home directly with her family as she needed to quarantine, she was all smiles behind her mask.

Photo: TikTok screengrab/trcyjntm

“Would like to say thank you to all of you who have been praying and wishing for my well-being for this past two years. And thank you for getting vaccinated. Because of you, I am able to go home,” she said, ending the video.

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With over 1.3 million views and 4,400 comments, netizens extended their appreciation of Ms Jantom’s service, sacrifice and hard work on the frontlines.

“We, the Singaporeans, would like to say a big thank you for serving the sick in the hospital you work in. We’re happy that you can go home finally,” wrote TikTok user MichaelSWL.

“Thank you for being with us during this difficult time. Now enjoy a well-deserved break,” added TikTok user Shobi Rajen. /TISG


you made it, tracy ❤️

♬ suara asli – kosong – kosong

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