Thieves across the causeway appear to have grown more brazen as more Singapore-registered cars have been attacked within days of each incident, as Chinese New Year approaches.
At least two Singapore-registered cars in Johor Bahru were attacked last Sunday (11 Feb) in the Taman Sentosa area. One of the victims whose car was targeted, Jason Ho, revealed that his car was parked near a crowded main road with cars passing by every minute but even this was not enough to deter thieves.
Ho said that the thieves stole his valuables but left his passport behind. He added: “They use motorcycle and firework to distract other attention before breaking the glass.”
Ho shared online that this is the first time such a robbery has happened to him in the 14 years he has been driving across the causeway. He added that Malaysians and Singaporeans lent a helping hand when they saw what had happened.
Ho noticed that another Singapore-registered car parked nearby his vehicle had also been broken into in a similar manner:
Just a week before this, a Singaporean who had parked his car KSL City Mall in Johor returned to find that cash and a Touch n’ Go card in his car was missing. The man, Ray Tan, was shocked to find that a thief had broken into his car and stolen the items when he viewed his dashboard camera footage:
Tan shared online: “Today drove a replacement Toyota Wish to KSL for CNY goodies. Parked at lvl 3 carpark & this happened. Those who are driving older car with the normal key, be careful. This f*cker likely opens it with a master key which the key makers are using.”