Singapore – Senior Minister of State for Transport and Communications & Information, Janil Puthucheary, has been appointed as the new party whip of the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP) effected June 6 (Thursday).

Dr Puthucheary took over the position from Trade and Industry Minister Chan Chun Sing who has held it since September 28, 2015.

Mr Chan signed off a media statement that the new party whip will be assisted by two deputy party whips, Senior Minister of State for Communications and Information, Ms Sim Ann and Minister of State for Manpower and National Development, Mr Zaqy Mohamad, reported Today.

Mr Zaqy has replaced Mr Sam Tan, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs as well as Social and Family Development, as Dr Puthucheary’s deputy party whip. Meanwhile, Ms Sim, who also is also a Senior Minister of State for Culture, Community and Youth, will retain her role as deputy party whip when she served as such under Mr Chan.

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A party whip, according to the Parliament website, “ensures good communication within the party and contributes to the smooth running of the party’s parliamentary machinery.

The Whip lists the speaking MPs for each item of business and estimates the time required so that a sitting can be completed within schedule.”

The Whip is often seen as a disciplinarian within his respective party as he ensures an honest voting process.

“The Whip ensures that there are sufficient party members in the Chamber to support the party’s position and that MPs vote according to the party’s line,” noted the description of “Government Whip” in the website. “Occasionally, he may “lift the whip” and allow MPs to vote according to their conscience.”