SINGAPORE — Workers’ Party politician Nicole Seah said in a recent Facebook post that for her, Christmas this year “feels a tad quieter, with much less fanfare” than in the past.

The 35-year-old Ms Seah, who has headed the WP Youth Wing for the past few years and is active in on-ground events at East Coast GRC, said that as she has looked back at this year; not only are year-end activities quieter, but they’ve also given her the opportunity “to appreciate the people in my life who have been a source of strength and support along the way, as well as those whom our paths have crossed or converged.”

Ms Seah, who had her second daughter earlier this year, also noted the “major life changes I’m going through with baby N and juggling raising two young kids alongside professional and political demands.”

In her Dec 19 (Monday) post, she wrote about the Christmas walkabout that the WP East Coast GRC team, including fellow WP leader Kenneth Foo, held last weekend, where they delivered 1,000 Christmas cookies to the residents.

FB screengrab/ Nicole Seah

“This year, we supported a home baker Yummy Story (@yummytory2022 on Instagram) who customised cookies in the shape of a Christmas tree with icing to mimic trimmings and decorations.

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It was encouraging to feel the warmth and appreciation from residents, many of whom we are now meeting on a repeated basis as the various markets have become familiar ground over the years of outreach.”

Ms Seah added what she believed to be the spirit of Christmas, which is “for us to take stock of life as it were and our impact on the people in our lives.”

In this season of giving, she added that its meaning is “less about chasing the harried purchasing of physical gifts that we bear, and more of the immaterial such as time, thoughtfulness and kindness that leave an indelible trace in hearts and minds.”

These gifts are harder to obtain, as well as “require more effort to consistently deliver,” she added.

Ms Seah ended her post with some Christmas wishes: “I wish everyone happiness and contentment for the coming year, and the now ubiquitous wish that may you also enjoy good physical and mental health always.” /TISG

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