SINGAPORE: A new employee in a physically demanding job took to social media on Friday (March 21) to vent his frustration over low pay and long hours. He shared that despite working 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., five and a half days a week, he earns only $1.7k a month and feels like giving up.
“How do humans survive this?” he asked.
Although the post has since been deleted, many Singaporeans responded with concern, shock, and career advice. Several commenters were quick to point out that his hourly rate was barely $8, which they called “ridiculously inefficient.”.
“Even part-time jobs (get you a) higher pay,” said one. “These are the types of jobs retirees take so as not to feel too bored at home, but at the same time, these jobs they take would not be too labour-intensive, which yours is middling at.”
Calls to switch industries
Many encouraged the writer to apply for a job in a different industry, from food delivery to fast food. One even pointed out, “There are students earning almost 50% more per hour than you at warehouses or fast-food chains.
Something is seriously wrong. Even working as a part-time staff at a fast food restaurant would pay better and come with benefits. And you might actually have some potential for career progression as a full-time staff—unlike what you’re stuck in now.”
Another was more emphatic, saying, “5.5 days for $1.7k?! Leave! It’s not worth your time and energy; it’s literally giving you scraps but working you to the bone!”
Advice to stay the course
Still, others took a different approach and encouraged the writer to pace himself. One commenter, considering the challenges of the job market, urged him not to give up too soon. “If this is a full-time job you landed after trying for some time, don’t give up just yet,” he said. “Use this experience to boost your resume.
He also offered motivation. “Feeling tired is normal. When working, try to smile more and think about the things you can look forward to during breaks or after work. Smiling can psych your body to be more motivated. When you are motivated, your performance and image at the job will be better. More chance for promotion or being headhunted by others.”
Singaporeans share low-paying jobs
The post comes amid a larger conversation about low wages in Singapore. A recent online forum thread asked users to share the lowest-paying jobs locals still take, and the responses revealed just how little some earn.
Singaporeans shared various roles that still pay less than $2k for full-time work. One commenter revealed that her relative works as an office cleaner, earning $1.5k a month, saying, “She’s semi-retired and just doing it to keep herself busy and active,” she explained. “She says it’s a pretty laid-back job—air-conditioned environment, starts early before the workers come in, and can leave around 3 p.m. There’s not much to clean throughout the day besides the pantry area and meeting rooms. She also refills snacks and drinks in the pantry and disposes of rubbish or recycles them.”
As conversations over low wages and gruelling work conditions continue, the writer’s experience highlights what could be a growing frustration among many Singaporeans with jobs that demand much but offer little in return.
See also: “Intern role but by a graduate, full time $800”: Singaporeans share low-paying jobs
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