Singapore—The current mask distribution seems to be going much better than the one in the past, according to Madam Ho Ching, the Chief Executive of Temasek Holdings and wife of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

The Temasek Foundation began its fourth mask distribution on Monday (March 1). News reports said that over 300,000 people collected their masks within the first seven hours.

“Gone are those who threw masks of wrong sizes collected at us,” wrote Mdm Ho in one of a series of posts on Wednesday (March 3), which she tagged #StoriesFromTheGround.

Mdm Ho was referring to certain incidents last year when some individuals got upset because the masks they got from the #StayMasked vending machines were not the correct size.

The Temasek CEO wrote in a Dec 10 Facebook post, “So for those who threw their masks at the service ambassadors when they are not allowed to exchange, shame on you!

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We can be unhappy without being uncivil to others.”

This time around, experiences with mask distribution have been much better, Mdm Ho writes, with people helping each other.

“Guess what happened!

Our residents, Singaporeans and non Singaporeans alike, have stepped forward to help others collect their Swiss technology Livinguard masks, especially from vending machines at their local RCs. 

But they have stepped forward to help our service ambassadors and logistics staff at CCs, RCs and various places. 

A big big thank you for our kind-hearted and warm-hearted souls!”

The many happy emojis in her post helped Mdm Ho express how she felt, and she thanked “fellow Singaporeans”, saying this round of distribution has been so “warming.”

“Gone are those who threw masks of wrong sizes collected at us, or scolded us as we take more time to load carefully to ensure less jams. 

“In place are so many warm-hearted Singaporeans who have stepped up to protect our replenishment crew and Ambassadors.”

See also  Covid-19: Ho Ching commends homemade face masks, says “any mask will be better than no masks”

Many have offered the staff cold drinks, Chinese New Year cookies, help and encouragement, she added, writing that they could not accept the offers to help with the loading of the mask kits, as they followed cleaning and sanitising measures for this.


“As can be seen in one of the pictures from the ground, you got our backs, Singapore, just as we got yours in the sun,” she added, referring to one photo where individuals were seen shading each other from the sun while others availed of their masks. 

In another post, she thanked CapitaLand “for generously offering not only your space for free for the vending machines,” adding: “We could feel the warmth and kindness of CapitaLand management and staff.”

In yet another post, she wrote about the “dedicated Route Supervisors”  who were “getting together after inspecting the machines in their zones of responsibility” after “most of Singapore” had gone to sleep, adding a photo of a small group of men huddled around.

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This debriefing occurred late at night, at around 2 am, which meant “the team could go home to catch a couple more hours before the start of the next day”.


Read also: ’Shame on you,’ says Ho Ching to those who threw masks at safety ambassadors

Ho Ching remains Temasek CEO nearly a decade after failed leadership succession plans