SINGAPORE: An online user recently took to social media on Sunday (July 9) to share a cousin’s alleged experience as a teacher and then proceeded to ask Singaporeans if they think teachers are underappreciated in Singapore. The post caught the attention of a handful of netizens, who took part in the conversation.

“Teachers – An underappreciated profession in Singapore?” the post was titled on Reddit Singapore.

The netizen then gave other online users a bit of a back story on a cousin who has allegedly worked as a teacher for some time. “My cousin is an NIE grad and has been an MOE teacher for around 8 years,” the post read. “He shared that working hours are nasty, making his way to school as early as 6am and often heading back late evening especially on days he has CCA to oversee. Let’s not forget endless marking and class prep when he’s back at home. He is currently GEO4.”

The netizen also added, “I joked that for the hours and efforts teachers are putting in, they should be pretty reasonably remunerated (think 15-16 month salary package, CONNECT plan, etc). He vehemently disagreed and said he can’t wait to jump out to private. Turns out his total annual comps is not even 6 digits (100k).”

The netizen then turned to other users, asking for their insights. “What do Redditors think?” the post asked. “What are the reasons attributing to teachers being an underappreciated profession in SG? Do they deserve to earn more?”

Many who saw the post commented, sharing their insights on the matter. Many also empathised with teachers and their unique workload.

“It’s an underpaid profession in many countries,” one said. “Many caregiving-type professions are. I guess it’s not profit-making. Of course, I think they deserve to earn more. But I guess it’s not too bad here. (They) can still survive on the pay.”

Image: Reddit Singapore / @EffectiveAsk9740
Image: Reddit Singapore / @EffectiveAsk9740

A handful also compared teachers to other essential workers, such as nurses.

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“I’m not a teacher but I feel (they) belong in the same category as nurses,” said another. “Important and way under appreciated. Not to mention those parents to deal with on top of the pesky kids. I taught before (albeit for a short while) at a JC and I do enjoy the gratification that comes with teaching. How can you put KPI on teachers??? I don’t understand. Plus their administrative work…kudos to them.”

“Special education teachers and all staff (e.g, allied health professionals, other support professionals) at special needs schools are underpaid as well,” said a third.”

Image: Reddit Singapore / @EffectiveAsk9740
Image: Reddit Singapore / @EffectiveAsk9740
Image: Reddit Singapore / @EffectiveAsk9740
Image: Reddit Singapore / @EffectiveAsk9740

An online user who is a poly educator shared another angle to add to the theme, giving others a look into what poly teachers face.

“Poly educator here…” the commenter wrote. “If it makes your friend feel better, poly lecturers earn even less than MOE teachers. And we have to do double work – we have to be good at teaching both teens and adults AND also be good at whatever skills we brought from industry (i.e. we have to work on external/internal projects) AND we also have to do the associated admin AND plan events, outreach, competitions AND monitor students’ wellbeing AND also handle idiot parents AND establish collabs with external companies AND handle all sorts of requests from MOE etc. Sometimes I wonder why I’m still here.”

Still, one said, “I don’t know how they do it. It is so difficult.”

Teachers – An underappreciated profession in SG?
byu/EffectiveAsk9740 inaskSingapore