What does it look like to you? A swan? Who sculpted it? What’s its significance?
The sculpture actually is Tiong Bahru’s ‘Dancing Girl’, and according to the National Heritage Board, it was envisioned as part of Seng Poh Garden in 1972.
Former Member of Parliament Ch’ng Jit Koon, who was also an ex-resident of Tiong Bahru thought that a sculpture would give better prominence to the garden and commissioned the work.
Lim Nang Seng, the artist who designed Singapore’s first one-cent coin of the Marine Series in 1967, is the same man who created the 1.2 metre-high dancing girl sculpture as well.
The Sarawak-born artist, who is known to keep to a humble profile, was also the sculptor of the iconic statue Merlion. Mr Lim is known for contributing his works for charitable purposes and he passed away in November 1987.
The Dancing Girl was Tiong Bahru’s very first piece of public art and is now featured in Tiong Bahru’s Heritage Trail.
The Dancing Girl apparently does not have proper signages describing the work of art, its significance and the artist, and one Facebooker has taken issue with that.
据一位老中峇鲁说这是流口水鱼尾獅的作者林浪新的作品。惊讶的是,只有—塊牌子说某某大人物为这雕塑掀幕,作者是谁隻字不提!当局对本地艺术家的尊敬程度可见一斑!According to an resident from Tiong…
Posted by Chengmin Wang on Sunday, 19 January 2014