Yesterday evening, the Grab driver who reportedly punched his passenger, Henry, spoke out and released a statement on Facebook.

His statement was shared on Facebook group ‘Singapore Private Hire Car Drivers & Riders Community’.

In his statement, he explained his side of the story and said, “On the 12th of May 2018/11.30am (Sat), I received a JUSTGRAB booking that requires to pick n send a req to the location requested by the pax.”

“To my surprise there were 2 kids and a lady accompanying the guy, he opened my rear door and before he was about to bard my car, I politely told him that im unable to proceed his req as I don’t have any mifold to support his kids. I explained that he has booked a Justgrab booking and politely told him to rebook and get a Taxi or Grabfamily. He slammed shut my door and walked off. “

“After waiting for 5mins, he did not cancel the booking and I decide to make my way back to his location. I saw him waiting and asked why is he not cancelling the booking as I cant accept any further call if he does not do so.

He shouted at me asking me why should he be cancelling? Im the one who rejected him.

See also  GrabShare Singapore sees 2 million rides in 2 months

I explained that, I cant cancel as my Cancellation Rate is insufficient to cancel on my end and will result my incentive for the whole week ($300+) to be forfeited if I can maintain the CR. I told him that I wont want to hold the liability of being fine $120 (3 points) or worst case scenario if an accident occurs.”

When another private-hire vehicle arrived, “The family approached the car and boarded the car immediately, I then went to the rider and furthermore requested him to cancel only to be tolded off that he will cancel afterwards.”

“He sarcastically laughed at me and that was when I cant hold back my emotions to be treated like a beggar. I admit I should not have reacted the way I reacted but I must admit I too have my weakness as a human being. After wasting my resource and time,it further escalates the reactions of mine. But whatever reasons I have,I know all the odds will be against me as people will see me as the guilty party.”

Netizens who read his account surprisingly took the side of the driver, but cautioned that the violence he exuded was unnecessary.