SINGAPORE — A family of five under mandatory quarantine requested for food aid, and many Good Samaritans came forward to help. On Thursday (Feb 13), Singaporean activist Gilbert Goh published a Facebook post about the acts of kindness, adding that he and his team intend to supply food to the family until their quarantine is over.

Gilbert Goh, activist and head of, a non-governmental organisation providing support to unemployed Singaporeans, reported on Thursday (Feb 13) that a family of five under a mandatory 14-day quarantine order requested for grocery aid as online delivery is only available from Monday, Feb 18.

Mr Goh said that when the message was sent out to people that there was a family in need, good-hearted Singaporeans responded heartily. He noted that they had to “reject” many Good Samaritans for the time being, adding that they would get in touch with them in the future if similar help is needed.

“We are surprised with the strong take-up response to bless the family as the message for help was sent out earlier today,” Mr Goh wrote.

“We have to reject many other Good Samaritan and will get in touch with you for future similar request if any.”

Mr Goh posted two pictures, one of a trolley full of healthy groceries and the other of a hand-written note of appreciation from the family in need.

Photo: Gilbert Goh/Facebook
Photo: Gilbert Goh/Facebook

“We were quarantined last minute and we did not prepare any groceries to consume during this period. Thank you to Gilbert and donor for reaching out to us fast and providing us with necessary groceries sufficient for us during this period,” read the note.

The family, who did not have time to prepare enough food as they were placed under quarantine order at the last minute, thanked Mr Goh and the kind-hearted donors for providing food aid in a speedy manner.

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Mr Goh wrote that he and his team would be providing a steady supply of food to the family for the next 14 days, until they finish their quarantine.

“If you are currently under quarantine and have difficulty getting food supply, please let us know so we can do the necessary. The fresh food supply is provided entirely free of charge by our donors and we just want to do something for those caught up with the virus here,” wrote Mr Goh.

People responded to the post, expressing their admiration and gratitude for the generosity and consideration of the donors and for the efforts of Mr Goh and his team.

Amidst the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, human kindness and the kampung spirit shine through.

Mr God ended his post by saying, “Stay safe Singaporeans and be a blessing! We can fight this crisis better in a united way!”