SINGAPORE: In a video uploaded on social media, an elderly pedestrian with a trolley was seen struggling to make it across a crosswalk in time. The stoplight turned red even before the hapless pedestrian reached the halfway point. While others walked by, ignoring the plight of the elderly pedestrian, one rushed in to help. And thousands took notice. In just one day, the video has gone viral, garnering over 430,000 views.

The one-minute-and-25-second video clip began with a busy crosswalk around Toh Guan View, with several pedestrians crossing the road. An elderly individual was seen walking slowly, taking one step at a time to make it to the other side of the crosswalk. The pedestrian kept balance by holding onto a cane with one hand while struggling to pull a trolley along. None of the pedestrians walking by stopped to help.


Hard life#singapore

♬ 原声 – KiraKira – KiraKira

To viewers’ dismay, the elderly pedestrian hadn’t even reached the halfway point of the crossing when the green pedestrian light began to blink, signalling that it was about to turn red. Two more individuals walked past the elderly person, making it to the other side of the crosswalk just in time. Another individual then appeared in the camera frame, walking purposefully towards the elderly pedestrian. The kind Samaritan offered a hand to the elderly pedestrian and reached for the trolley handle.

As cars and even a bus drove by, the elderly pedestrian kept taking one step at a time. Meanwhile, the man who had come to the rescue held on to the stooping, infirm, old person whose face could not be clearly seen in the video.

Unsurprisingly, many online users took to the video’s comments section to praise the kind man for his act of kindness. Many even called him a hero. While others called out the passers-by who ignored the helpless elderly pedestrian, many more sent public messages of appreciation to the man who stopped to help.

“We need more kind-hearted people in today’s current society,” said one. Another wrote, “This made my day. Proof that humanity exists.” Still, a third shared, “Actions speak louder than words! Very thoughtful gentleman and a word of Thank you wherever you are.”

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