Singapore — People’s Power Party (PPP) leader Goh Meng Seng says he is disappointed with Facebook and its founder, Mark Zuckerberg.

My message sent to Mark Zuckerberg Official on his post which promotes vaccination.

I am totally disappointed in you…

Posted by Goh Meng Seng People’s Power Party on Monday, 19 April 2021

In a Facebook post on Monday (Apr 19) addressed to Mr Zuckerberg, he wrote: “You only allow your narrative to dominate while thumbing down other people’s alternative views which doesn’t resonate with yours or in conflict of yours. That’s not Freedom of Speech or Expression but a tyranny of suppression of views and information.”

Mr Goh had earlier complained that several of his Facebook posts had been removed following which the social media giant, in response to queries from CNA, said on April 16 that it does not allow false claims that could lead to rejection of Covid-19 vaccines and will remove such posts.

See also  16-year-old boy 'erroneously' given Moderna Covid-19 vaccine in S'pore

In his Facebook post on Monday, Mr Goh alleged, “Facebook has been actively censoring adverse views against Pfizer vaccine but allows adverse views on Sinovac, Oxford and other vaccines. Is there a conflict of interests somewhere?”

“All current vaccines ARE NOT APPROVED by FDA But only authorized for Emergency use,” he added, noting that the US Food and Drug Administration has allowed them to be used only because of the pandemic.

Facebook is “trying to promote Mass inoculation using UNAPPROVED vaccines with Unknown Long Term efficacy and safety,” he added.


However, netizens commented against Mr Goh’s post, stating that vaccination is important and useful.

Denise Teh is an intern at The Independent SG. /TISG