People online have responded to a Facebook post by Mr Lim Jialiang criticising some members of the People’s Action Party (PAP) for “cosplaying as social distancing ambassadors” when they were, in fact, campaigning for the coming elections.
Mr Lim had said on Wednesday (May 27) that “our PAP politicians dart in and out of places, cosplaying as social-distancing ambassadors”, and that face mask and hand sanitiser distribution “(obscure) the line between charity and electioneering”.
On the other hand, he cited the difficulties Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) have to go through — specifically with the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI), in order for their operations to be considered “essential”.
Mr Lim also made reference to the disparity between disallowing social gatherings and the Government’s planning on ways the National Day Parade can still be celebrated this year. “Now, you are gaslighting Singaporeans by saying that we are somehow not supportive…,” he said before arguing, “Singaporeans have by and large supported the Government and followed the lead of public health officials and politicians. If your election strategy is to browbeat and shame Singaporeans to the polls to give you our votes, I wish I can share this inexplicable optimism of yours.”
Mr Lim’s post was shared on the Reddit discussion website. While some people concurred with his sentiments, others addressed the topics he mentioned.

Although the Government has been planning to hold a scaled-down National Day Parade this year, some shared their sentiments regarding the celebration.
Photo: Screengrab from Reddit comments / r/singapore

Still, others discussed the issue of politicians giving out aid and campaigning for an election.

A few took Mr Lim’s analogy quite literally too, with some considering the idea to cosplay as politicians. (AFA and EOY refer to anime and cosplay festivals).

One person apparently referring to an MP dressing up in a tudung recently.

On the other hand, a couple discussed voting and elections.