Shannon Bream, a Fox News anchor said she was threatened by a mob protesting President Trump’s Supreme Court of the U.S. (SCOTUS) nomination. Trump on Monday night nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the SCOTUS. Bream said that she felt threatened by the mob in a tweet.

“Very few times I’ve felt threatened while out in the field. The mood here tonight is very volatile. Law enforcement appears to be closing down 1st Street in front of SCOTUS,” Bream tweeted at first. And later added: “Literally had to bail on our live show from SCOTUS. Moving the show back to the safety of the studio.”

Lyndsey Fifield, an employee at the Heritage Foundation, a think tank, said that she witnessed Bream being harassed and that she herself was mobbed. She said that the mob displayed leftist sexism.

In retweeting Jeff Drescher who said that “95% of those protesting know NOTHING about the judge other than sound bites spoon fed to them,” Fifield said that the “unthinking hostility and “sky is falling” rhetoric” of the liberals are unacceptable.

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