As the new year picks up, most look ahead, plan for the future and resolve to make changes. The turning of the year was no different for Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong, who took to social media to express his desires his plans for the year to come. However, along with his goals, he also cautioned Singaporeans to look beyond mere words of politicians.
In a Facebook post on the first day of the new year, he wrote, “As the sun set on 2018 and we welcome 2019 with a bright new day, my thoughts turn to how I can continue to serve Singapore”.[0]=68.ARAKZX7piNylMj9vEe-DnOE5l3PEbZc_aTZYLW7rZMTrVgXUVWAq-zJSM6tf3VhYl7mwT9YbVLTpVwRe1EVMbxULWfuUoQNvONzJhVPJINQw9aXWCxuOI3WlQY6ozhEBVdFmuBYzBEyqqbQFS39ji7P7Q1PWCfOlu0XnpxQpf-PcQbcx8QF-Qn2Y0Ze6GY2hDoSarCGgb2S0ecDJxtdrTf5mP4YP06kwu01exad9fcK61MD3JOLGGm7ovv3uQrr4qoeLcmuZpIPdHkr9Dn09NlpmehnFu3oeLmil3YG0lZXZz6v2gEUik5lrk_qTRGZmeUvsY9PQeES4qJ7_PnBQQbZwOw&__tn__=-R
He continued saying, ““To serve my country” is a well-worn out cliché favoured by politicians, new and old alike. Watching politicians all over the world, including Singapore’s, pardon me for asking whether that is indeed the true intention of many of them”.
“Fathoming a person’s heart beyond his words is difficult. One, therefore, must be especially sceptical of any veteran politician’s practised words”, he cautioned.
He did not elaborate any further on the meaning of his sentiment.
With regards to his own goals, ESM Goh wrote, “On a personal level, it is to seek contentment, and not ambition. On a national level, it is to support our leadership succession to ensure good governance, political stability, social harmony and strong economic growth. It is certainly not to sow disunity and rock the boat”.