The story of an elderly multiple stroke survivor, who spends half his daily salary from his job as a security guard on expensive Grab or Go Jek rides to avoid another fall, has gone viral online after a private-hire driver shared the senior citizen’s plight on Facebook.

Facebook user Melvin Poh, a private-hire driver, wrote in the wee hours of this morning (29 May) that he was booked to pick up a passenger from the United Square shopping centre, at 3.20pm.

Mr Poh recounted that he was left heartbroken when he arrived to pick up his passenger, named Mr Din, outside the mall. Mr Poh saw “an old man in security uniform, walking slowly to my car with the aid of a walking stick. I realised he had his fingers amputated on the other hand.”

As Mr Poh drive Mr Din to his destination, he learned that the senior citizen had suffered two strokes and eight major falls. For eight years, Mr Din was left jobless after he was certified permanently disabled.

Determined to rejoin the work force, Mr Din built up his strength to walk and learnt to write with his left hand. After eight years of unemployment, Mr Din was finally certified as able to perform light duties and managed to land a job as a security guard after many interviews.

Mr Din also told Mr Poh that he earns S$65 a day as a night security guard but his company does not allow him to claim transport expenses to return home when he finishes work at 3am.

To avoid any more falls, Mr Din spends nearly half his daily salary, usually up to S$30, on Grab and Go Jek rides to return home.

Moved, Mr Poh generously offered to drive him home every day for S$10 a day to cover his driving expenses and help Mr Din lessen his transport expenses so he could save a few hundred dollars each month.

Noting that he may not be able to pick up Mr Din every single day due to other work commitments, Mr Poh appealed for other drivers to come forward and contact him if they are able to help drive Mr Din home for S$10 on certain days.

Mr Poh’s Facebook post quickly went viral and accumulated over a thousand shares and nearly 1,500 reactions on Facebook, in a matter of hours.

Mr Poh updated that kindhearted netizens have even started donating money to him for Mr Din’s expenses but he said that he not seeking for any donations. Mr Poh added: “I appreciate the kind gesture but lets put the helping out on the road. Anyone whom have free time, or travelling along the same route and can help fetch Uncle Din for $10 which he is more then happy to pay to cover your driving expenses.”

Drivers who are willing to pick up Mr Din at 4am and drive him from United Square to Rivervale Crescent for a fare of S$10, as and when their schedule permits, are advised to contact Mr Poh here: