In the cut-throat world of business, careers tend to collapse as easily as a house of cards. And you are left wondering why. Here are some common career mistakes that managers make that have the potential to throw budding managerial prospects out of the office window.

Mistake #1: Failing to trust people

Source: Pexel

This is one mistake that can turn perfectly healthy career prospects to one on life support. Failing to trust people manifests itself in multiple ways – from micromanaging, not delegating enough, and constantly checking on employees to actually reprimanding them even before a task is completed!

What you should do instead:

Learn to trust people, their capabilities, as well as their aptitude. After all, if you want the best performance from your team, it is important that you recognise their strengths and weaknesses and form your expectations accordingly. Delegate and try to let go!

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Mistake #2: Mistaking a company party for an actual ‘party’

Source: Pexel

Alcohol converts office parties and managers into a volatile combination. More often than not, these events go down in history books for the nutty behaviour they managed to bring out in some unlucky bloke. And if that employee is you, the unfortunate manager, your career is sure to go downhill after the celebrations.

What you should do instead:

Remember, an office event is actually only an office event. It is NOT a party to help you to de-stress, throw caution to the winds, and make friends with the bottle. No one wants to be remembered as the soon-to-be-ex-manager who had a drink too many and sang all the way through the party on wobbly knees. So reserve the binging for a personal night out and maintain the dignity that is required of your role.

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Mistake #3: Not getting to know your employees enough

Source: Pexel

Mixing up people in your team and asking a divorced co-worker about the spouse; or confusing someone’s child’s achievements can actually be fatal for your career, if done on a regular basis. It shows you as a person who does not pay attention to stuff that is important to others.

What you should do instead:

We are not suggesting that you turn into an agony aunt and keep tabs on divorce proceedings, but yes, a little bit of sensitivity goes a long way. Staying abreast of your co-worker’s personal lives in the broad sense makes you a balanced, sensitive, and caring individual. Remember, a personal touch here and there will show everywhere on your review.

Mistake #4: Being a baby

Nobody, not senior management nor your team, is comfortable around a person who uses tears or anger to express emotion. However justifiable your reasons or circumstances, there is no excuse for an emotional outburst that stems from disappointment or frustration caused by a professional issue.

You seem ‘weak’ to your team and an embarrassment to the rest of the company. Tantrums are definitely not getting you in the good books of the guys in charge of your annual review.

What you should do instead:

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You are not required to be a robot at work, but yes, a little discretion when it comes to expressing your emotions will take you a long way in the right direction. Try not to let roadblocks affect you at a personal level – learn to insulate your ‘self’ from your profession.

Mistake #5: Side stepping responsibility

Source: Pexel

When a mistake is made, our most common reaction is to pass on the blame. In cases where teamwork is involved, it is very easy to hold a subordinate completely responsible instead of standing up and taking part of the blame. This allows for a lot of resentment to brew, resulting in loss of respect.

What you should do instead:

Don’t pass the buck. Take responsibility for the actions of your team. This will not only earn you respect and gratitude but also get you a lot of cooperation in solving the problem. It will establish your reputation as a solid team leader, not just a manager who likes to take credit for all the good stuff.

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Mistake #6: Not being able to take tough decisions

One of the toughest decisions a manager has to make is firing people. Never a pleasant task, but sometimes essential. Especially in cases where the person concerned is an under performer. A team always resents having to pull the weight of a member who is not able to deliver. And you add to that resentment just because you don’t want to take charge and fire someone because of guilt issues.

What you should do instead:

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Look at the larger picture – instead of one happy under-performing person, you will have everyone on the team praising you for your foresight and leadership skills. Now that’s got to travel all the way to senior management.

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Mistake #7: Being selfish

Source: Pexel

If your team is performing well, then it becomes your duty to ensure that all of you get rewarded for the hard work. If all you do is hog the credit and get yourself a raise or a promotion, know that this will be the only time it will happen. People find out, and you will get a reputation that will precede you.

What you should do instead:

By all means concentrate on self-growth. But at the same time, you should see to it that your team gets due credit in terms of recognition and remuneration. Be generous where well deserved praise and good reviews are concerned.

And one last tip from us would be to avoid office gossip like the plague. You really don’t need to know!

Keep reading the BankBazaar blog for more insights into career issues, together with tips to master your money and get better at life.

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