In a disturbing series of events, a 51-year-old domestic helper called Muji was fired from her post of eight years after she allegedly influenced her 88-year-old employer, Huang, to sell his three-room-flat. Huang’s nieces said that their uncle used to be a “rational man” until he started becoming strangely susceptible to Muji’s suggestions around five years ago, which eventually culminated to him selling his flat and subsequently becoming homeless.

When Huang hired Muji to work for him, he probably had no idea what he was getting into.

Huang’s nieces spoke at length about Muji, who had worked for the family for eight years. They said that while their uncle was a “rational” man, they started noticing something odd around five years ago. Huang’s nieces said that he was oddly receptive to whatever Muji would say and suggest. They also said that as time went on, Huang seemed to lose himself just a bit more, complying more and more with Muji’s wishes.

Huang’s 50-year-old niece said that Muji had successfully gotten Huang to agree to giving her a pay raise of around S$200 – S$700 up from S$500 a month, approximately.

What Huang’s nieces found even more disturbing was that Muji was even able to influence Huang to sell his flat, which was meant for his retirement.

His nieces had to take him and Muji in after Huang sold his flat for S$200,000. A whopping half of the entire profit was reportedly spent in five years, by both employer and helper.

Huang’s nieces were extremely suspicious of the situation with Muji after Huang sold his apartment as they said it was “out-of-character” for him to act that way.

The nieces reported that for the next few years, they continued to notice that their uncle was especially accommodating and receptive to Muji, but it was only a few months ago that they decided to get involved.

The older of the two nieces said that it was odd that Muji and Huang slept in the same room, even though Muji said it was because she needed to help Huang go to the toilet in the middle of the night.

She added that Muji refused to help out with chores in their house, insisting on only taking care of Huang’s daily needs, and rather enjoyed wearing make-up and dressing up.

“I’ve tried paying her to do the chores, but after two days, she would complain that it’s too much and even asked my uncle to help, which made me very angry,” said Huang’s elder niece.

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She also said that Muji was fond of shopping and dragged Huang out for weekly shopping sprees where Muji would shop and Huang would pay. The helper and employer duo were apparently inseparable.

Huang’s younger niece, who is 39, told another media source that Muji was influencing Huang to start a business with her in Indonesia, which is why Huang was suddenly so eager to sell his apartment.

Huang’s family tried stepped in to try to help him see reason, but he was resolute in his decision. He said that he was allegedly planning to use the pay from his flat to start a small business in Indonesia with Muji and eventually retire there. Huang would not listen.

Things started heating up a few months ago, when Muji flew to Indonesia to visit her hometown. In her absence, Huang’s nieces were able to convince Huang to go to a temple in order to “lift the curse”.

Another media source reported that Huang “came to his senses” after the visit to the temple. When he was in his right mind, he sacked Muji from her position.

Once Muji heard that she had been fired, she allegedly threatened to curse Huang’s entire family. It was then that the family reported Muji to the police.

Now clear-headed and under no influence, Huang spoke about how he spent S$100,000 – half of the profit from the apartment sale.

Huang was spending around S$2,000 a month when Muji was working for him, even though his current expenses, sans Muji, comes out to only S$500 a month.

If we do the math, after Huang’s expenses (S$500) and Muji’s previous salary (S$700), it would mean that Huang spent about S$800 on Muji’s shopping sprees every month for the past five years.

That comes up to a total of S$50,000, in addition to her monthly salary.

After Muji’s employment was terminated, Huang’s niece returned the helper’s salary and clothing through the mail. In turn, Muji sent her a WhatsApp message saying that she will return to Singapore next month to “place a curse” on the entire family for the rude treatment she received.