SINGAPORE: A foreign domestic helper took to social media asking others for advice after her employer ignored the one month’s notice she gave.

In an anonymous post to Facebook group FDW in Singapore (working conditions forum), the maid wrote that she was not happy with her employer anymore and asked for a transfer nicely. She also gave her employer a month’s notice to find a replacement helper.

In her post, the maid wrote that her employer agreed to it but then changed her mind, telling her maid that she will give her an authorisation letter releasing her once she finds a replacement helper. However, she added that she did not know how long this process would take. “I already found (another) employer but not sure if she can wait that long as my (current) employer is not really clear when she will release me”, the maid wrote.

“The one month notice [I] gave her she ask is not honoring it anymore. What to do” the maid asked others in the group. Netizens who commented on her post said that her employer was not required to give consent and release her as long as she had given notice as per her contract. Otherwise, others also advised that she contact her agency, CDE or the Manpower Ministry for advice.

Here’s what they said:

Earlier this year, a maid who wanted to return home after her work permit expired wrote that her employer renewed it against her will and forced her to stay for another two years. The maid also said that her employer threatened to blacklist her should she run away or seek help from her agency.

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In a post to Facebook group FDW in Singapore (working conditions forum) on Monday (Jan 30), the maid wrote that she had been working with the same employer for seven years. However, because of the problems and salary issues she faced with her employer, she added that she wanted to return home.

The maid added that on Dec 21, 2022, she informed her employer that she wanted to return home as soon as her work permit expired on Jan 22, 2023. Because the helper’s passport had expired, her employer helped her to renew it on Dec 12, 2022. However, the helper added that her issues began as soon as her passport was successfully renewed.

“she told me that I can’t suddenly make decision to go back I have to inform her 6 month’s before but as my agency said I can go back Anytime”, the maid wrote, explaining that her employer asked for 6 months’ notice before allowing the helper to return home. The maid added that her employer then renewed her work permit, effectively forcing her to stay for another two years.

“she keep threatening if I run or go and complaint to agency she will blacklist me , I’m really helpless ,I don’t know what should I do ? I hope everyone here can help me to go out from this situation”, the maid wrote, asking netizens for help with regards to her situation.

Maid says her employer has withheld her pay, forced her not to return home for another 2 years, and threatens to blacklist her if she runs away or complains to agency