Singapore – A woman cycling with a child sitting on the pillion was caught on camera getting knocked over by a vehicle as they crossed the street.

“Presumably mother and child, both were on a bicycle getting knocked down at the crossing,” wrote Facebook page on Friday (Apr 2).

The post noted that the mother should have slowed down or stopped before entering the crossing.

The video showed the woman entering the street crossing at about the same time a blue sedan was using the lane.

The child could also be seen putting her hands in the air while they crossed, right before getting knocked down by the sedan.

Photo: FB screengrab/

The impact caused both individuals to fall to the ground. The woman could be seen staring at the vehicle driver before assisting the child.

Photo: FB screengrab/ added that there were no serious injuries reported.

“Drivers must always look around or even glance left and right to ensure cyclist do not just appear out of nowhere,” said

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Offences committed by light vehicle motorists at a pedestrian crossing carries a fine of S$200 with six demerit points, according to

The incident is said to have happened on Mar 31 at 1.45pm at Punggol, just beside Waterway Point.

In response to the news, members of the online community urged motorists and cyclists to slow down and look both ways when traversing a pedestrian crossing.

Furthermore, others commented that cyclists should dismount and walk across such instances. “Please make it mandatory for cyclists to dismount when crossing any pedestrian crossing,” suggested Facebook user William Lim. “Many times, they don’t slow down; they speed up when crossing. It’s safety for them, not for the drivers.”/TISG

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