In case you were wondering what had happened to Amos Yee, the rather vocal pro-paedophilia activist who was given a six-year jail sentence in December last year in the United States, you need not look any further. Recent photos of him have surfaced, and they are not pretty (or so netizens say).

Prison photos of convicted sex offender Amos Yee have emerged on the Internet, after they were discovered by a Hardwarezone user Saturday (Mar 19).

Here’s what he now looks like:

Photo: Illinois Department of Corrections
Photo: Illinois Department of Corrections

To recap, Yee, 23, had previously pleaded guilty to two charges of child pornography and grooming. He had solicited and exchanged nude photos with a girl from Texas who was only 14 at the time.

The two charges on which he was convicted are for child pornography and grooming. 

The charge of child pornography is a Class One felony and, under Illinois criminal law, the second-most serious type of offence. 

Read related: We almost forgot Amos Yee liao

We almost forgot Amos Yee liao

His photos were taken from the Illinois Department of Corrections, which keeps a public record of current inmates on its website.

Yee’s projected parole date is Oct 6, 2023, about three years after he was first taken into custody.

Yee’s projected discharge date is Oct. 8, 2026.

According to his profile, he is also required to be on the sex offender’s registry.

Between February and July 2019, Yee asked the girl to appear in lewd poses on video and other mediums.

On the second charge of grooming, he knowingly used the WhatsApp messaging platform to seduce the girl and to solicit pictures of naked parts of her body from her. These images he then proceeded to distribute on the app. 

A divisive figure infamous for his run-ins with the law at an early age, Yee, has been widely condemned in Singapore, but his cause was taken up by local activists and international rights groups, and media.

Yee has been in the US since December 2016 and was granted political asylum the following year, after a judge ruled that he faced persecution in Singapore for his political opinions.

Netizens had a lot to say on Yee’s appearance, and whether he would be deported back to Singapore to serve time here.
Along with Yee’s new photos, old videos of him were also being circulated on TikTok. Ones such as the clip of him being slapped outside the courts also made their way around social media.

In wake of Yee’s child porn-related charges, Shanmugam asks where Amos Yee’s supporters are