Singapore – A kind-hearted taxi driver is warming the hearts of many for accommodating the traditions of his passengers and ensuring that they are comfortable.

On Saturday (May 9), Facebook page All Singapore Stuff shared a short clip of a “Chinese man who has touched the heart” of his passenger with his kindness. The contributor provided five reasons why:

1. The first thing he checked when I boarded his car was the time, and he realized that it’s less than 10 minutes to breaking of fast.
2. He asked me which radio channel that plays the azan (the Muslim call to ritual prayer made by a muezzin).
3. He assured me that it’s ok to break my fast in his car.
4. He drove really fast until we heard the azan and he slowed down.
5. He constantly ensured that I am comfortable and able to hear the radio well.

“I am in awe of how Allah allowed me to feel His mercy and love in this way,” said the passenger.

With over 1,700 positive reactions and 321 shares, members from the online community applauded the driver for his accommodation and compassion.

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Photo: FB screengrab/All Singapore Stuff

Others shared similar experiences in Singapore where the traditions of other races were upheld. “Can I say this…only in Singapore!” exclaimed Eid Hassan. The netizen mentioned the time when McDonald’s aired the azan during the month of fasting. “To the Chinese uncle, I’m so proud of you sir and because of people like you and the extra mile you took that made me even prouder to be a Singaporean.”



Photo: FB screengrab/All Singapore StuffKelvin Goh added that Malay customers are the best, based on experience, as they are “friendly and generous.”

Photo: FB screengrab/All Singapore Stuff

Many agreed that this was the way to go; to treat everyone nicely. They added how such news brightens up everyone else’s day.

Photo: FB screengrab/All Singapore Stuff
Photo: FB screengrab/All Singapore Stuff
Photo: FB screengrab/All Singapore Stuff
Photo: FB screengrab/All Singapore Stuff

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