It seems that the People’s Action Party’s (PAP) passing of the torch after the choosing of their Central Executive Committee (CEC), as well as the possibility of the next General Elections (GE) being held sooner rather than later, has gotten everyone in the political scene ready. Secretary-general of the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) was no different, with Dr Chee Soon Juan holding a meeting to “rally the troops for the coming battle”.

During the meeting held on Saturday, November 24, Dr Chee added that “From seasoned campaigners to fresh faces, party faithfuls showed up to a standing-room only event to make plans for the next GE”.

“Here’s what we believe in:People before profits, Rights before riches, Wisdom before wealth. And if you believe…

Posted by Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) on Friday, 23 November 2018

According to a post on SDP’s website, they said, “Here’s what we believe in:
People before profits,
Rights before riches,
Wisdom before wealth.

See also  Chee: Thankful to Bukit Batok for giving privilege to be part of them

And if you believe that too, we ask you not to be stingy with your energy during the coming crucial year”.

Held a meeting yesterday to rally the troops for the coming battle. From seasoned campaigners to fresh faces, party…

Posted by Chee Soon Juan 徐顺全 on Saturday, 24 November 2018

In his post, Dr Chee also added, “The enthusiasm and determination were palpable as ideas flowed on how to take the SDP’s message of positive change to the people. Never met a more patriotic bunch. Forward!”.

Netizens who commented on Dr Chee’s post had much advice and support to give him and the party.

TISG has reached out to Dr Chee but he has yet to respond.
