A private-hire vehicle (PHV) driver was caught on camera stopping by the kerb of a busy road to drop off a passenger, causing the vehicle behind it to high beam and honk at the driver.

Despite warning the PHV driver of the safety risk posed to other road users, it appears that the cam car driver got scolded in the process.

PHV driver “just stop at single zigzag white line to alight his passenger on a busy road,” said cam car driver Kris Tan who shared the incident on Facebook page ROADS.sg.

Photo: FB screengrab/ROADS.sg

“I stop behind his car and was blocking all the cars from the side road from entering into Rangoon Road. Naturally, I high beam and horn the car in front of me,” said the cam car driver.

Photo: FB screengrab/ROADS.sg

However, it appears that the passenger inside the PHV was not too happy.

A few moments after stopping, a man alighted from the vehicle, already irritated at the cam car driver.

The man used the Italian finger purse hand gesture to express his annoyance.

Photo: FB screengrab/ROADS.sg

Netizens had mixed reactions to the video, some siding with the passenger that they too would be angry with the cam car driver.

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“Cam car, it’s just few seconds, and that’s it. One day you will encounter the same situation. You want someone to high beam and honking at you?” asked Facebook user Ang Ang.

Meanwhile, many others noted that an accident could happen from such driving behaviour.

“This is such an unsafe location to stop and alight a passenger. Amazing how these people think,” said Facebook user Angeline Lee.

“So many people who chided the camcar need to go back and retake their highway code or refrain from driving. Don’t even know what is right or wrong and still dare to display their ignorance,” noted another netizen.

Many highlighted that the road was the entrance to the Central Expressway and is usually very busy.

“Want to drop, drop at the other entrance. Ownself convenience end up causing safety hazard and jam for other drivers,” said Facebook user Steven Bimshop. /TISG

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