A Malaysian bridal company owner was in tears and apologised after backlash over photos featuring models using a Christian graveyard as props.

Twitter users said the company went too far and was offensive to other people’s faith.

The photographs featured models sitting on gravestones or lying in alleys between two graves.

User chrissytwittwit posted a series of tweets on Nov 5 calling out against Mumyqueen Wedding Couture.

She wrote: “People surely will do anything just for the sake of attention. If you sit on my family’s grave, I will find you right away girl.”

“For us Christians, the cemetery is considered as a sacred/holy ground that has been blessed by the priest, ” she said.

The company posted a video of the photoshoot on its Instagram page, saying it was done for fun.

Malaysian Twitter users were drawn in a nasty debate with many attacking the company for its insensitivity not only in taking such pictures or using a graveyard for that matter but also for publishing the pictures and videos online for fun.

chrissytwittwit post got 27k retweets and 16k likes

This led the owner of the company to apologize in tears in a video that was circulating yesterday, Nov 6.

The founder of Mumyqueen Wedding Couture, apologised for the photoshoot in an interview with Harian Metro yesterday (Nov 6), saying in Malay: “I admit my mistake and apologise to all that I offended.”

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“I accept the criticisms of the public with an open heart and admit my mistakes but please do not blame the models,” she said.

She also clarified that the pictures were taken on Sunday (Nov 3) and were shared “for fun” and were not intended to ridicule any other religion or to seek publicity.

She also said taking the pictures in a cemetery was for the photoshoot to “be different” and she had been inspired by similar photoshoots from other countries. -/TISG