A split appeared in the debate on whether the government should institute a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on the 1MDB scandal of global implications.

The opposition – including former PM Mahathir Mohamad – has urged the Najib regime to hold an RCI on 1MDB since he has decided to have one on a far away event that rocked Malaysia decades ago.

Najib has accused Mahathir of being responsible for the loss of cash loads in a forex transaction that turned ugly for Malaysia during his tenure as prime minister.

The Malaysian Premier wasted no time in getting the local print medias, the television stations and the national news agency Bernama to blast Mahathir over the loss.

Then he instituted an RCI against Mahathir on the forex loss.

But today, an ally of Najib has called for an RCI to be established on the 1MDB issue.

Perkasa, an organisation that supported Mahathir’s campaigns while he was still a member of the ruling Umno recently turned its back on the former strong man to stay put with Najib.

See also  PetroSaudi diverted 1MDB money in Venezuela deal

But now, they are asking the PM to hold an RCI on 1MDB, saying this should be a priority for the government.

Perkasa vice-president Ruhanie Ahmad said the government must show seriousness on 1MDB after it established an RCI to probe the foreign exchange scandal which happened under Mahathir.

It said Najib should put his plans to establish a Integrity and Governance Unit at government linked companies on hold, and have the RCI on 1MDB instead.

The Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) to investigate the 1MDB scandal should be a priority before establishing the Integrity and Governance Unit at government linked companies (GLC), said Malay rights pressure group Perkasa.

It also reiterated its call for an RCI on 1MDB to ensure the ‘Integrity and Governance Unit announced yesterday by the prime minister will not just be a political propaganda.’

Perkasa is seen as a far-right Malay nationalist group.

Mahathir has criticised Perkasa’s support for Najib.