The National Environment Agency (NEA) announced on 5 June that it will be suspending the licence of foodstall at 1 Woodlands Square #07-03 Causeway Point, under its Points Demerit System. The period of suspension is two weeks from 06 June to 19 June 2017.
The foodstall being suspended is Bagus, a halal foodcourt. NEA said the licensee has accumulated 12 demerit points over the last 12 months and fined a total of $800 for cockroach infestation.

Depending on his past record, a licensee who accumulates 12 or more demerit points during a 12-month period may have his licence suspended for a period of either two or four weeks, or cancelled. All food handlers working in the suspended premises would also be required to attend and pass the Basic Food Hygiene Course again, before they can resume work as food handlers.
NEA said that it takes a serious view of these offences and would like to remind food operators to observe good food and personal hygiene practices at all times, and to engage only registered food handlers. NEA insisted that it will not hesitate to take firm action against anyone found to be in violation of the Environmental Public Health Act.
In the interest of maintaining a high standard of food hygiene at all eating establishments, NEA advised members of the public who come across poor hygiene practices in food establishments not to patronise such outlets and to call its 24-hour NEA Contact Centre at 1800 – CALL NEA (1800 – 2255632) with details for its follow-up investigations.